Availability of Radio Amateur Bands in Ukraine and Other European countries.

Maximum allowed power levels are shown in brackets for each band. Lower limits may apply for certain part of these bands or to certainoperator classes.

For some bands, special permits from governmental authorities are required

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Common band name CEPT Hungary Lithuania Moldova Poland Romania Slovakia Ukraine Problems/notes
2 km 135.7- 137.8 kHz 135.7-137.8 kHz(1W EIRP) 135.7-137.8 kHz (1 W EIRP) 135.7-137.8 kHz(1W EIRP) 135.7-137.8 kHz(1W EIRP) 135.7-137.8 kHz (1 W) 135.7-137.8 kHz (1 W EIRP) 135.7-137.8 kHz(1W EIRP)  
630 m 472-479 kHz 472-479 kHz (1 W EIRP)   472-479 kHz (1 W EIRP) 472-479 kHz (1 W EIRP)       Amateur frequencies 472 - 479 kHz are missing in Ukraine (*1)
160 m 1.810-2.000 MHz 1.810-2.000 MHz (1500 W) 1.810-2.000 MHz (1000 W) 1.810-2.000 MHz (1500 W) 1.810-2.000 MHz (500 W) 1.810-2.000 MHz (400 W) 1.810-2.000 MHz (750 W) 1.810-2.000 MHz (100 W)  
80 m 3.500- 3.800 MHz 3.500- 3.800 MHz (1500 W) 3.500- 3.800 MHz (1000 W) 3.500- 3.800 MHz (1500 W) 3.500-3.800 MHz (500 W) 3.500-3.800 MHz (400 W) 3.500-3.800 MHz (750 W) 3.500-3.800 MHz (200 W)  
60 m 5.3515 5.3665 MHz 5.350-5.450 MHz (100 W)     5.3515-5.3665 MHz (20 W) 5.3635-5.3665 (15 W) 5.3515-5.3665 (15 W)   Amateur frequencies 5.3515-5.3665 MHz are missing in Ukraine (*2)
40 m 7.000- 7.200 MHz 7.000- 7.200 MHz (1500 W) 7.000- 7.200 MHz (1000 W) 7.000- 7.200 MHz (1500 W) 7.000-7.200 MHz (500 W) 7.000-7.200 MHz (400 W) 7.000 -7.200 MHz (750 W) 7.000-7.200 MHz (200 W)  
30 m 10.100 10.150 MHz 10.100- 10.150 MHz (1500 W) 10.100- 10.150 MHz (1000 W) 10.100-10.150 MHz (500 W) 10.100-10.150 MHz (500 W) 10.100-10.150 MHz (400 W) 10.100-10.150 MHz (750 W) 10.100-10.150 MHz (200 W)  
20 m 14.000 14.350 MHz 14.000- 14.350 MHz (1500 W) 14.000- 14.350 MHz (1000 W) 14.000- 14.350 MHz (1500 W) 14.000-14.350 MHz (500 W) 14.000-14.350 MHz (400 W) 14.000-14.350 MHz (750 W) 14.000-14.350 MHz (200 W)  
17 m 18.068 18.168 MHz 18.068- 18.168 MHz (1500 W) 18.068 - 18.168 MHz (1000 W) 18.068-18.168 MHz (500 W) 18.068-18.168 MHz (500 W) 18.068 -18.168 MHz (400 W) 18.068-18.168 MHz (750 W) 18.068 -18.168 MHz (200 W)  
15 m 21.000 21.450 MHz 21.000- 21.450 MHz (1500 W) 21.000- 21.450 MHz (1000 W) 21.000- 21.450 MHz (1500 W) 21.000-21.450 MHz (500 W) 21.000-21.450 MHz (400 W) 21.000-21.450 MHz (750 W) 21.000-21.450 MHz (200 W)  
12 m 24,890 24.890-24.990 24.890-24.990 24.890-24.990 24.890-24.990 24.890-24.990 24.890-24.990 24.890-24.990  
24,990 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz  
MHz (1500 W) (1000 W) (500 W) (500 W) (400 W) (750 W) (200 W)  
10 m 28,000 28.000- 28.000- 28.000- 28.000- 28.000- 28.000- 28.000-  
- 29,700 29,700 29,700 29,700 29,700 29,700 29,700  
29,700 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz  
MHz (1500 W) (1000 W) (1500 W) (500 W) (400 W) (750 W) (200 W)  
6 m 50,000 50.000- 50.000- 50.000- 50.000- 50.000- 50.000- 50.080- Amateur band has to be
- 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 50,280 extended at least to 50 -
52,000 MHz (10 MHz (25 MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz (50 52 MHz (*3)
MHz W EIRP) W)   (100 W) (400 W) (750 W) W)  
4 m 69,900 70.000- 70.240- - 70.000- 70.000- 70.190- - Amateur frequencies
- 70,500 70,250   70,300 70,300 70,215   69.900-70.500 MHz are
70,500 MHz (10 MHz (22   MHz (20 MHz (20 MHz,   missing in Ukraine (*4)
MHz W EIRP) W)   W) W) 70.300-70.350 MHz (10 W)    
2m 144,00 144,000 144.000- 144,000 144,000 144,000 144,000 144,000  
0- - 146,000 - - - - -  
146,00 146,000 MHz 146,000 146,000 146,000 146,000 146,000  
0 MHz MHz (1000 W) MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz (5  
  (1000W)   (200 W) (500 W) (400 W) (750 W) W)  
70 cm 430,00 430,000 430.000 - 430,000 430,000 430,000 430,000 430- There are several "holes"
0- - 440,000 - - - - 440 MHz in the 70 cm band in
440,00 440,000 MHz 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 (5 W) Ukraine (*5)
0 MHz   (1000 W)            
  MHz (1000W)   MHz (5 W) MHz (500 W) MHz (200 W) MHz (750 W)    
23 cm 1240- 1300 MHz 1240-1300 MHz (500 W) 1240-1300 MHz (100 W) 1240-1300 MHz (50 W) 1240-1300 MHz (500 W) 1240-1300 MHz (200 W) 1240-1300 MHz (750 W)   Amateur frequencies 1240 - 1300 MHz are banned by "special users" of radio spectrum in Ukraine (*6)
13 cm 2300- 2450 MHz 2300-2450 MHz (150 W) 2300-2450 MHz (25 W) 2300-2450 MHz (5 W) 2300-2450 MHz (500 W) 2300-2450 MHz (200 W) 2300-2450 MHz (750 W)   Amateur frequencies 2300 - 2450 MHz are taken for commercial use in Ukraine (*7)
9 cm 3400- 3410 MHz       3400-3410 MHz (20 W) 3400-3500 MHz (200 W) 3400-3410 MHz (750 W)   Amateur frequencies 3400 - 3410 MHz are not included in the National table in Ukraine (*8)
5 cm 5.650- 5.850 MHz 5.650-5.850 MHz (75 W) 5.660- 5.670 MHz 5.725- 5.850 MHz (25 W) 5.650-5.850 MHz (5 W) 5.650-5.850 MHz (500 W) 5.660-5.850 MHz (200 W) 5.650 -5.850 MHz (750 W) 5650-5670 MHz (5 W) 5830-5850 MHz (5 W) There is a "hole" between 5670 and 5830 MHz in the amateur radio band in Ukraine (*9)
3 cm 10-10.5 GHz 10-10.5 GHz (75 W) 10 -10.5 GHz (25 W) 10-10.5 GHz (10 W) 10-10.5 GHz (500 W) 10-10.5 GHz (200 W) 10-10.45 GHz (750 W) 10.1-10.15 GHz (5 W) A part of the amateur radio band, 10.15 - 10.5 GHz is missing in Ukraine (*10)
1.2 cm 24- 24.25 GHz 24-24.25 GHz (30 W) 24- 24.25 GHz (25 W) 24.05-24.25 GHz (10 W) 24-24.25 GHz (500 W) 24-24.25 GHz (200 W) 24-24.25 GHz (750 W) 24-24.05 GHz (5 W) A part of the amateur radio band, 24.05 - 24.25 GHz is missing in Ukraine (*11)
6 mm 47-47.2 GHz 47-47.2 GHz (30 W) 47-47.2 GHz (25 W) 47-47.2 GHz (10 W) 47-47.2 GHz (500 W) 47-47.2 GHz (200 W) 47-47.2 GHz (750 W) 47-47.2 MHz (5 W)  
4 mm 75.5- 81.5 GHz 76-81.5 GHz (30 W) 76-81 GHz (25 W) 76-81 GHz (10 W) 76-83 GHz (500 W) 75.5-81.4 GHz (200 W) 75.5-81 GHz (750 W) 76-81 GHz (5 W) Parts of the amateur radio band, 75.5-76 GHz and 81 - 81.5 GHz are missing in Ukraine (*12)
2.5 mm 122.25 -123 GHz 122.25-123 GHz (30 W) 122.25-123 GHz (25 W)   122.25-123 GHz (500 W) 122.25-123 GHz (200 W) 122.25-123 GHz (750 W) 122.25-123 GHz (5W)  
2 mm 134- 141 GHz 134-141 GHz (30 W) 134-141 GHz (25 W) 134-141GHz (10 W) 134-141 GHz (500 W) 134-141GHz (200 W) 134-141GHz (750 W) 134- 141GHz (5W)  
1 mm 241- 250 GHz 241-250 GHz (30 W) 241 - 250 GHz (25 W) 241-250 GHz (10 W) 241-250 GHz (500 W) 241-250 GHz (200 W) 241-250 GHz (750 W) 241-250 GHz (5W)  


CEPT: THE EUROPEAN TABLE OF FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND APPLICATIONS IN THE FREQUENCY RANGE 8.3 kHz to 3000 GHz (ECA TABLE), Approved October 2017 http://www.erodocdb.dk/Docs/doc98/official/pdf/ERCREP025.PDF


Hungary: Sávhasználati feltételek és frekvenciagazdálkodási követelmények (Bandwidth Conditions and Frequency Management Requirements) http://stir.nmhh.hu/?oldal=dokumentumGeneralo&root_rendeletelem_id=3&hatalyos=1#jump_to_9_ A special permit is required to use the 60-meter band.


Lithuania: Radijo dažnių (kanalų), skirtų radijo mėgėjų įrenginiams, naudojimo sąlygos, sąsajos (Conditions for use of radio frequencies/channels for radio amateur equipment) https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalActEditions/TAR.58C802E0A3D6?faces-redirect=true https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/TAR.58C802E0A3D6/zmVRzPvEgW




Poland: KRAJOWA TABLICA PRZEZNACZEŃ CZĘSTOTLIWOŚCI (National Frequency Allocation Table) http://dziennikustaw.gov.pl/du/2017/920/D2017000092001.pdf https://pzk.org.pl/download/public/Akty_prawne/MI/D2008223147201.pdf


Romania: Privind reglementarea serviciului de amator (Regulation of amateur service), 2017 http://www.ancom.org.ro/uploads/links_files/FORMA_CONSOLIDATA_RADIOAMATOR_FINAL.pdf A special permit is required to use the 60-meter band.


Slovakia: VŠEOBECNÉ POVOĽOVACIE PODMIENKY pre amatérske vysielacie rádiové stanice (General Operating Conditions for amateur radio stations) A special permit is required to use the 4-meter band. https://www.teleoff.gov.sk/radioamaterske-vysielanie/ https://www.teleoff.gov.sk/data/files/6322.pdf A special permit is required to use the 60-meter band.


Ukraine: РЕГЛАМЕНТ аматорського радіозв'язку України (The Regulament of Amateur Radio Communication of Ukraine) http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0205-11/print1514381479981087


НАЦІОНАЛЬНА ТАБЛИЦЯ розподілу смуг радіочастот України (The National Frequency Allocation Table of Ukraine) http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1208-2005-%D0%BF/print1514381479981087


ПЛАН використання радіочастотного ресурсу України (The Plan of the Use of the Radio Frequency Resource of Ukraine) http://zakon0.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/815-2006-%D0%BF/print1514988481924482


Problems/notes regarding the radio amateur frequency allocations in Ukraine:

*1, *2, *8 – The bands are not included in the National Frequency Allocation Table. There was a positive response to amateurs’ requests from governmental agencies regarding adding these bands, but the job is still not done.

*3 – The band is not included in the National Frequency Allocation Table. Numerous requests to extend the band to 50 – 52 MHz (or even to 50.080 – 50.380 MHz) were rejected by governmental agencies, which refer to the delayed transition to digital TV from analog one in Ukraine. In addition, the use of the 6 m band requires a special permit, which is not available in many places, even if there is no 1st analog TV channel broadcasting transmitter in this area.

*4 – The band is not included in the National Frequency Allocation Table. Governmental agencies deny the use of this band, referring to the existence of the “old-style” analog radio broadcasting at same frequencies. All radio amateurs’ requests were rejected.

*5 – Surprisingly, radio amateurs are not allowed to transmit on all frequencies of this band, because of errors in the Regulament. Radio amateurs requested to correct this, but no result yet.

*6 - Numerous requests (several attempts has been made between 2011 and 2017) regarding the 1240 – 1300 MHz band were rejected by the Ministry of Defence, representing “special users” of radio spectrum. In addition, an airplane radar system (called RSP-10MA) operating at 1250 – 1350 MHz has been referred. In fact, this radar has never been built. This band is still not available for radio amateurs although it is included in the National Frequency Allocation Table.

*7 – This band was taken off from radio amateurs several years ago, although it is included in the National Frequency Allocation Table. Governmental agencies refer to commercial users of the band 2400 – 2483 MHz which paid for licenses to use long-distance and highpower systems at this band. The removal of radio amateurs from these frequencies should protect commercial users. Radio amateurs’ requests were rejected.

*9, *10, *11, *12 – There is an additional work to be done to extend these bands to correspond the CEPT recommendation. Governmental agencies are known to have no plans to do this.


April 26, 2018 – Materials by UNGO UARL


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